What Happens When You Start Working With Wahoo Learning?

15th December 2021

Posted in Insights
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Great – you’re well on your way to partnering with Wahoo Learning to deliver your training program.

What happens when you sign on the dotted line?

As well as setting up the delivery of your training program, we need to deploy your new Learning Management System (LMS).

Here we explain the process to help you understand how we kick off the partnership. It’s a walkthrough so you know what to expect from each stage.

This is the process we follow:

  • Getting to know your organisation and your audience
  • Understanding your requirements in full
  • Statement of Work and draft project plan issued
  • Production phase
  • Final setup stage
  • Ongoing partnership

Read on to learn about each stage in more detail….

Getting To Know Your Organisation And Your Audience

As soon as we’ve agreed to work together, our team set to work on gaining in-depth knowledge of your organisation. We’ll research your website and prepare any additional, targeted questions for your business.

We’ll also need to know more! We know that not all information is shared on websites and there will be background knowledge that needs to be shared as well.

Some of the things we need to understand are:

Your story: Where did it all start? What are your core business objectives? What does your team look like, and who will we be working closely with? What is unique about your offering?

Your audience: What type of businesses form part of your audience? What does your sales ecosystem look like? And what do they need to learn?

Your goals: What challenges does your training program need to solve? What are your program objectives? How does your training program fit into your organisational goals? What are your learning objectives?

As part of this stage, you will be asked to supply your brand guidelines so we can ensure continuity is provided.

Related resource: How to successfully implement training for external partners

Understanding Your Specific Requirements

Even though contracts are signed, it’s important for us to fully understand your expectations and objectives in detail.

Teams also need to be introduced and initial schedules need to be put in place.

This is the time for you to share as much as you can with us to ensure our goals are aligned and we can build the program to meet your objectives….and even exceed expectations!

As part of this stage, we will also get to understand your learning material requirements, with kick-off meetings then planned for that area of the project.

Statement of Work Issued

Once we’ve had our initial meetings and we fully understand the scope of the project and what your overall goals are, we will issue a Statement of Work (SOW).

As soon as this is agreed upon by both parties, we will supply a draft project plan with a timeline.

Production Phase

The first part of this stage is for us to create a domain for your LMS. We then develop the homepage with the addition of branding and any required customisation and personalisation.

From this, a tangible product comes together ready for you to review and approve. Once that’s signed off, we move into full production.

Here, we add your copy and images, along with any additional pages, for example, program pages or support pages.

At this point, we also migrate any data and add any available course material.

Final Setup Stage

Your LMS is complete and testing is underway. This final setup stage is where we prepare each component of your managed learning services.

We will:

  • Customise your support channels including phone numbers, live chat and email (domain and signatures)
  • Set up accounts to deal with the eCommerce functionality including a dedicated accounts email if required and payment setup
  • Customise reports and analytics depending on your requirements
  • Undertake small sample customer testing such as beta testing
  • Assist with a roll-out plan and marketing

Once this stage is complete, we will make the LMS domain live and accessible to the public.

We offer full training to administrators that includes how to use the LMS, how to book courses, how to navigate, how to take courses and how to receive achievements including certificates and badges.

Ongoing Partnership

Throughout the program, our team continually optimise your program coming up with new ideas and offering insight into how your program is performing and how it could be improved.

For example:

  • Looking at the most common support tickets and suggesting improvements – whether that’s the platform or processes.
  • Looking at courses and offering information on which courses perform well and why? Or why a certain course isn’t performing as expected and working through potential solutions together.
  • Putting together course categories in response to requests from your audiences.
  • Creating monthly reporting on the LMS and eCommerce aspects.

Related resource: Everything you need to know about our managed learning services


We’ve covered each step of what happens when you start working with us. Though of course, it’s important to understand that the setup is just the start of our partnership.

We will work closely with you to ensure objectives remain aligned, the program stays on course and your partners.

Throughout the entire process, we constantly check and review against your objectives, goals and requirements.

We’re always available to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Need to get in touch? Drop us a line here.


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